Arabic Authored Books:
The EAITSM Inc. is publishing original Arabic authored books in the IT Service Management field for experienced and knowledgeable professional authors in this area from around the Arabic world. Details of published books can be found in the page of each book by clicking on the list link below. Published books can be order at our bookstore.
Call for Authors:
The EAITSM Inc. is calling for authors in the ITSM area, to author books in various topics in the Arabic language. The following terms apply:
- Authors must be registered members. Our Members Enjoy these Benefits for FREE!
- Authors must be experienced and well informed in the subject area for which they are proposing books
- Proposed books must be in Arabic language only, originally authored, not translated works
- Authors must use our ITSM Unified English-Arabic Glossary as their reference in writing books. You have to purchase the glossary first, and once your book is accepted for publishing you will receive reimbursement of the glossary cost, meaning that you essentially get the glossary for free
- Books will be published under the EAITSM Inc. name, and the author name, photo, and biography will be included inside the book. Your book will be assigned a unique barcode identifier
- Books will be distributed through various channels, including our online bookstore, and Amazon store
- Books will published in digital format only, under digital rights management system, and no hard copies will be distributed
- Accepted authors will receive $100 signup bonus from accumulated sales before we start sharing of sales
- Sales will be 70% for the author, after deducting publishing and sales related costs. The EAITSM will share 30% of sales with the authors. Sales reports are shared with authors bi-annually, on Jan. 1st and Jul. 1st, at which time authors may claim any available balance.
- Books will be offered at very affordable prices for the regional community, around the range of $5 per copy
- Book size should not be less than 100 pages, pocket size (21.6 x 14 cm)
- Authors will retain the copyright of the published book, but doesn't own the right to distribute the book on their own, nor to withdraw the publishing right from the EAITSM Inc. at any moment in the future
Interested authors please contact us.
Sponsorship Opportunity:
We are open to sponsors who want to sponsor this initiative. The following terms apply:
- Sponsors may choose to sponsor this initiative in general, by providing fund to be used towards publishing and distribution expenses. In this case:
- Sponsor's logo will be placed on this page permanently, linked to their website
- Sponsor's logo will be placed inside all books published with fund provided from this sponsor
- Sponsor may provide fund once, or repeatedly as they are willing to do
- Minimum sponsorship amount is $500
- Sponsors may choose to sponsor a specific author's work (e.g. author's employer sponsoring the author's book). In this case:
- Sponsor's logo will be placed inside the book(s) they choose to sponsor only
- Minimum sponsorship amount per book is $150
Interested sponsors please contact us.