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We offer the following advertisement channels, with the provided specifications and associated prices*:


Website Ad Area Available? Banner Size Media Type Price (USD)
Horizontal (Home Page)

728x90px Image / Flash $5/day
Vertical 1 (All Pages - Side bar)


120x240px Image / Flash $7/day
Vertical 2 (All Pages - Side bar)

120x240px Image / Flash $7/day
Vertical 3 (All Pages - Side bar)

120x240px Image / Flash $7/day
Square 1 (Home Page)

250x250px Image / Flash $5/day
Square 2 (Home Page) 250x250px Image / Flash $5/day
Horizontal (As an Expert page) 728x90px Image / Flash $3/day
Horizontal (Bookstore page) 728x90px Image / Flash $3/day
Link listing under Industry News section on home page $3/day
Blog Pages
Horizontal banner at the blog

728x90px Image / Flash $7/day
Left Vertical banner at the blog 160x600px Image / Flash $10/day
Right Vertical banner at the blog 160x600px Image / Flash $10/day
Publishing a permanent post on the blog $100
One email message to 10's of 1,000's of receipients (HTML / Image) $100
Sponsored horizontal banner at bottom of regular newsletter 728x90px Image $50
Social Media Posts
One post on our LinkedIn page $50
Media Partnerships
We welcome partnerships with common mission organizations/events around the region. Details.



Aadvertisement Banners: 


The advertiser will need to design his banner on his own, and provide us with the banner file along with the URL to which it should be linked. Minimum placement duration is 1 week. We track number of clicks on the placed advertisements, and this is reported at once after end of placement period.
Prices mentioned above include placement on both Arabic and English sections on the website, and you can place the same banner or translated banned on each section. Placement on one section only is not available as it's our intention to make both sections identical.
Blog Banners: 
The horizontal banner is posted at the bottom of all blog individual pages and posts, and vertical banners are shown at the left and right sides of all blog individual pages and posts except the collective posts page, with minimum placement duration of 1 week for any single banner. We track number of clicks on the placed advertisements, and this is reported at once after end of placement period.
Email Shots:
The advertiser will provide the complete design of the email message to be sent out. Any images included need to be hosted on the advertiser server and streamed from there. This service doesn't include sharing email addresses of recipients, execpt for leads contacting the advertiser directly. The message can be in Arabic or English or both, as long as it is relevant to our field of operation. We will provide message views and clicks statistics one time, one week following sending. Average open rate: 5 - 9%, and average click rate: 4 - 8%.
To advertise with us please contact us. We preserve the right to accept or reject any content sent to us for advertising.
* Received fees is not refundable under any circumstances.





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