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The Establishment of Arabian for IT Service Management (EAITSM Inc.) is a non-profit firm working in the field of ITSM, to promote best practice and guidance, and to be a focal reference point for this field in the regional marketplace. It was established as a forum for Information Technology (IT) service / product providers, IT service / product users, and related parties to explore all means available to maximize IT business value.


IT Service Management (ITSM) is defined as the implementation and management of quality IT services that meet the needs of the business. IT service management is performed by IT service providers through an appropriate mix of people, processes, and information technology.




To be a Development Transformational Agent in the Arab World through ITSM Practices




One of our main activities is to promote international standards of IT Service Management within our membership and the larger community, to raise their awareness and knowledge of how to benefit from these standards and best practices with the ultimate goal of benefiting their businesses and national economies.

In achieving so, we occasionally organize collaborative professional events, in some cases this is jointly arranged in cooperation with other similar mission organizations, that’s in addition to our regular annual conferences.

We have a clear focus on translation activities in order to avail the professional references in the ITSM field to the Arabic community is their native language, and this is out of our understanding of the real need for this service in the large Arabic IT community. We do also believe that the support and availability of the translated Arabic materials will help and facilitate generation of contributions and achievements from the Arabic community at the international level, in their native language.

We also pay due attention to partnership and involvement at the Arabic regional level and globally.



The EAITSM Inc. was established as an affiliated chapter to itSMF International (itSMF Egypt Chapter). The Establishment Project started in Dec. 2007, and was closed in Nov. 2008, when the chapter is launched for operation (Soft Launch). In Jul. 2014 we decided to separate from itSMF for business expansion plans.


The legal entity of The Egyptian Association for ITSM was registered in Jun. 2009 as a local national association. In Mar. 2014, the association dissolution decision has been issued, so that the organization continues as a commercial non-profit firm, affiliated to the OneWayForward Inc, and renamed in Oct. 2015 as The Establishment of Arabian for IT Service Management (EAITSM Inc.).




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Our sponsorship scheme is based on specific initiatives. We announce call for sponsorship or availability of sponsorship opportunities on project basis or event basis.


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