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مقدمو البرامج التدريبية والامتحانات
في رأيك ما مدى خطورة تقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي من حيث إساءة الاستخدام وجدارة الثقة في المحتوى الذي يتم توليده؟
ثقة عالية، يمكن التحقق من المحتوى بسهولة
استخدام حذر، والثقة في المحتوى بحسب المصدر
ثقة منخفضة، وتفضيل المحتوى من المصادر التقليدية
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خدمة المناقصات
انضم للعضوية الآن مجانًا
القمة الخامسة لمدن المستقبل - الكويت

    عنوان الحدث: القمة الخامسة لمدن المستقبل - الكويت

الجهة المنظمة: Traicon Events

 المكان: الكويت

الزمان: 20 - 21 سبتمبر 2023

 الحضور: محترفو تكنولوجيا المعلومات حول المنطقة 


The 5th Future Cities Summit, a high-profile event featuring Emerging & Innovative Technologies, future & sustainable Cities concepts in Kuwait at is scheduled for 20-21 September 2023 in Kuwait City. The event serves as an exceptional assemblage that brings together policymakers, industry experts, urban planners, architects, engineers, technology providers, academics, and stakeholders to exchange valuable insights on the significance of using technology to foster sustainable cities. 

A premier platform crafted to complement Kuwait's vision 2035 for digital transformation. The 2 days event aims to set the benchmark to witness the ‘next generation technology’ & how the technology will transforms businesses for creating new opportunities. Kuwait is embracing the concept of smart cities… it is among those countries that are investing heavily in Smart City Technologies. The government has launched several initiatives to modernize the country's infrastructure, improve public services, and enhance the quality of life for its citizens. Kuwait's investment in smart healthcare systems, e-government services, smart transportation systems, and waste management solutions, alongside its deployment of smart energy management systems, highlights the country's strong commitment to developing sustainable and technologically advanced cities.

The event aims to highlight the importance of smart cities in promoting sustainable development, showcase Kuwait's roadmap towards the implementation of smart city technologies, and identify opportunities and challenges in urban development, implementation of advanced technologies to create sustainable cities.

URL: https://www.traiconevents.com/fcs/kuwait/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/traicon-india-pvt-ltd/



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